About Me: The Director’s Cut
It just occurred to me that nobody who follows my work knows anything about me (other than what is on my About Me page, of course). I’ll tell you why that is.
I’ve been hiding things (self) from you, but I think I’m done with that now; I’m 40 and I’ll do exactly as I please.
I’ll let you see me for who I really am.
That I’m pretty inept at most things except drawing and knowing how to spell obscure words. (That doesn’t mean I know how to pronounce them. Petrichor.)
That I will trip on my own feet at least 6 times every day. I talk about cheese a lot. (right now it’s Epoisses. My favourite cheese, that is. I hope you’d ask if we were doing this in person). I have 2 kids who are in equal parts angels and fiends, and that teaches me a lot about myself on a daily basis. I have a boyfriend who is a bit too close to the Perfect Human for my liking – but then I remember he doesn’t drive either, and that makes me feel better about myself.
That I don’t have a studio per se. You might hear me say I have one because it sounds like something an artist might say, but what I mean is, I have a tiny room in a terraced house with a desk and an old computer and a cemetery view, and a mountain of German pencils.
That I’m really vain. Quite embarrassingly so. I once tried to pick up my eldest from school without wearing lipstick and he refused to acknowledge my presence because I didn’t look like his Mum. Speaking of him. He calls me ‘The Romanian’ and he likes to tell people ‘Mummy works at night and I’m not sure what she does’ because he realised many moons ago that it makes people go really quiet. I think he picked up a few tricks from me. I’m mortally afraid of awkward silences, so sometimes I panic and fill them with the first and most inappropriate remark I can think of.
I’ll see you at my next exhibition then. Don’t do the intentional awkward silence thingy. I’ll know.

That’s brilliant info. I’d like you to do a picture fore sometime of a friend of mine called Xue Wang who’s also an artist – a portrait of her in pencil! You’ll have to let me know if it’s possible with cost! All the best and happy belated 40th 🥰
I’d love to create something special for you, just drop me an email at [email protected]. x